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Brent Fillmore

Tuesday, Tuesday, September 24
11:15 AM - 12:00 PM
Conference Center Theater

Brent Fillmore

Brent D. Fillmore was born in Payson, Utah. Brother Fillmore earned a Bachelor of Science degree from the University of Utah in Political Science with an emphasis in International Relations. He earned a Master of Education degree from Utah State University in Secondary Education with an emphasis in the Supervision of Teaching. Brother Fillmore has worked in Church education since 1992 as a seminary and institute instructor and administrator, including work in teaching, training, information management, software development, communications, marketing, strategic projects, and student recruitment.

He and his wife Joan are the parents of 6 children. He served the Church as a missionary in the Brasil Porto Alegre mission and as a Mission Leader with Sister Fillmore in the Portugal Lisbon Mission (2018-21).

Students, Faculty and Staff